Liebster Award

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Thank you soo much Vivienne for nominating me for this award! It means alot to me as I have only just started out!

  1. Link the person who nominated you
  2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
  5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs
These are the 11 blogs I nominate:
Now for the questions that Vivienne gave me:

1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
It was about 2:30 in the morning after reading blog posts by Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter and I randomly decided to write a blog post myself as I used to love writing and I had lots of ideas to write about! Also I wasn't tired and didn't want to sleep!

2. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Would love to be a full time beauty blogger or in the beauty industry, maybe travelling to America a few times a year!, however that is HIGHLY unlikely so hopefully earning lots of money as a Psychologist instead.

3. Favourite cereal? (I believe this says a lot about a person)

4. Coffee or tea?

5. What inspires you?

6. How would describe yourself in three words?
Kind, Positive, Trustworthy

7. If you could travel to either the past or the future, which would you travel to and why?
The past, I regret a lot of things in the past. 

8. If you could live anywhere, real or fake, where would it be and why?
USA, California or in particular NEW YORK! It has always been my dream to go to New York! I just love everything American, just ask everyone I know haha!

9. What clothing item do you wear most often?
Jeans. Or my oversized reversible tartan scarf!!! I live in that scarf!

10. What are your goals for 2015?
 Be happy. Do things for myself and remember that I cannot get on with everybody, some people won't like me and that is okay. Do not care what others think of me.

11. What is the one quality that you would want to be remembered for?


I really enjoyed answering these, thanks again!

Now these are the questions I am asking:

  1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
  2. What do you like to blog about the most and why?
  3. Do you prefer summer or winter and why?
  4. What is your favourite colour?
  5. What is your favourite memory so far?
  6. Would you rather work or study for the rest of your life and why?
  7. Are you someone who would choose Sweet or Savoury foods?
  8. What would you like to happen this year?
  9. Would you rather a quiet night in or a night out?
  10. How would your friends describe you?
  11. How would people who know you describe you?(not your closest friends)

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  1. I would LOVE to live in California or New York too. The beaches in California are amazing and the weather is always so nice.

    Good luck in your 2015 goals and congrats on your award :)

    Corinne x

  2. yeeees the beaches!!! Aw thank you corinne means alot :) good luck to you too! x
