Time and stress management

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

After being under a great amount of pressure and stress these past several weeks with exams, assignments and more to be handed in every week, the thought of having to revise for January exams and complete a research report all whilst working at my job back home over the Christmas holidays has really got me thinking about my stress and time management. 

No matter how much work you are faced with, you must always remember to take time for yourself. If you are anything like me and you get carried away with time, looking at the clock to realise the day is almost over, maybe set an alarm to remind yourself to take a break, even if just for 5 or 10 minutes. Go make a cup of tea or coffee and always remember to eat and take breaks for lunch as this will certainly be beneficial for you. Also I find that being stuck inside all day does not help at all, so I like to make sure I get out of the house whether that be just to the local shop or an aimless walk or maybe take a little shopping break and treat yourself to something. I am not saying that you should treat yourself every time you complete something as this will get very expensive! But it may help you if you find yourself really struggling and it could motivate you to complete a specific goal, knowing that afterwards you can get that lipstick you have had your eye on for a while! This could also be done with treats such as chocolates, agreeing that you can have that chocolate but only once you have completed this next paragraph. 

If you do find yourself ending up so stressed that you cannot seem to write anything or make sense of everything, I suggest taking time out, maybe having a pamper session, a bath or watch a movie or an episode of your favourite show just to take your mind off of it for a little while - it will do you no good to force yourself too much and will just make you feel worse and your essay writing or revising poorer. 

Good luck with everything you have to face in the remainder of 2015,

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